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General Information on Divorce and Divorce Mediation
- Divorce Source
(A rich resource of information on divorce and parenting)
- Self-help Magazine
(10 Reasons to try divorce mediation)
- Divorce Headquarters
(Frequently asked questions about divorce, collaborative family law, mediation, child custody, child support, spousal support, and financial issues)
Divorce Laws and the Court System
- California Family Code
- Find Law
(Access to statutory and case law on California divorce related issues)
- California Superior Court Self-help
(California courts Self-help Center on families and children)
- Docstoc
(How to Prepare an Income and Expense Declaration - Superior Court )
- California Judicial Counsel
(California Judicial Counsel Forms – Select Family Law)
- Los Angeles Superior Court
(Superior Court Civil Case Finder: Track filings in your divorce case)
- 'Letric Law Library
(General reference on family law)
- How to complete the Schedule of Assets and Debts (FL-142)
- How to complete the Income and Expense Decloration (FL-150)
Books on Divorce and Divorce Mediation
Career Builder Links
Bureau of Labor Statistics, January 2014
The Bureau of Labor Statistics is part of the United States Department of Labor. The organization itself is responsible for gathering data and publishing reports that are used to provide snapshots into the conditions in our society at a given moment.
The website has complied a database on job statistics that could be useful to someone entering the job marketplace. It is well organized and easy to use with a wealth of information. The BLS also provides employment to statistician, computer specialists
USA Jobs, January 2014
USA Jobs is a website that deals with the United States of America Federal jobs. The website is for job-seekers who wish to work for the Federal Government. It helps the job-seeker learn about the jobs available, the scope of employment and the application process. The website is helpful as it breaks down the careers by location, salary, and specific criteria necessary for each job.
My Plan 2014
My Plan is a wonderful resource for clients from middle school through adults who are interested in changing careers. The website breaks down the elements in an organized fashion. The user creates and account and received a free career assessment test called the career match. There are also discussion forums, online communities and a portfolio manager. In the portfolio manager you are able to save your favorite information regarding careers, colleges and majors. A good resource for younger clientele in particular.
Indeed, 2014
Indeed is a website that basically serves as a job posting board for the employee and employer both. It is an easy to use website that allows the client to post a resume. You create an account and they will send you automatic emails with jobs you are interested. There are forums and the compare salaries from around the world as well as job listings from over 50 countries in 26 languages. Indeed also has an app for use on your phone and the ability to sign in through facebook. The website is also free. The blog that is on the website also posts information regarding the job search. For example, the listed an article on Advice from Dick Bolles, author of What Color is Your Parachute?
Snag a Job, 2014
Snag a job invites both employers and employees to participate with an emphasis on local jobs delivered to the inbox of those interested in finding work. There is a fee for the employers to post jobs that range from 79.00 to 249.00 dollars per month. For the job seeker it is free to use the website. Snag a job focuses on jobs by industry and goes from a general industry list to detailed lists. The website seems to focus on jobs that are of a lower entry level position in most categories. This may be due to the fact that the employers who are paying monthly rates are looking for high numbers of applicants.
Job Search Jimmy, 2013
Job search Jimmy is a company that works on preparing for employment seeking through help with resume writing, cover letters and job interview tips. The primary goal of the company is to educate the clients with tips, tricks and strategies that will lead to more job interviews and offer. The website has for sale eBooks and videos that are a fairly low cost option for those who need help in these areas. There is a detailed blog and e-newsletters and courses that can help prepare for the hunt.
Career Builder, 2014
Career builder is a website that promotes the job search by the type of job you are looking for and the location with an advanced search option that allows the client to do a detailed exploration based on location, when the job was posted and the categories are broken down by job type and company name. The website also offers a very good blog that is under the advice and resources link. When you create an account on career builder you can then search by keywords and label each search you create. The site allows you to search within certain radiuses of a zip code as well. If you go into the advanced settings you can further narrow the scope of what you are shown based on the category, when the jobs were posted and the type of employment you want along with salary ranges. Very Good Site. The advertisements are somewhat annoying!
Dice, 2014
Dice is a company that focuses on tech jobs specifically. They have over 70,000 job listings that are broken down by skill/company/location and employment type. The site allows the client to upload a resume and has a news and advice area that seemed helpful. The advertising on the website was heavy and became a bit distracting. The website charged 395.00 to post a job listing. The full service program required you to contact dice for sales information.
Monster, 2014
Monster is a website that has become very large and seems to be one of the more popular sites for job search. The site allows you to create a profile to share with your connections through facebook and other social media as well as employers. Monster also has alliances with publishers, human resource companies, marketing companies and newspaper publishers. These alliances seem to allow companies to partner with them and reduce the in house need for setting up recruiting. They promote a seamless process for their partners. Monster also hosts a number of administrative tools for their partners. Monster is now offering career sites the ability, for free, to connect with the "apply with monster" feature.
For the job seeker, it seems that monster is a huge site that offers the opportunity to get your resume out to companies all over the world without you needing to contact each company. It is set up similar to career builder for the employee and has a detailed advanced search option.